
modern haiku


lakes & now wolves

Scott Metz

Modern Haiku 1-10 CD cover

Scott Metz. lakes & now wolves.
Lincoln, IL: Modern Haiku Press, 2012.
ISBN 978-0-9741894-9-9

Now available from Modern Haiku Press:
lakes & now wolves
by Scott Metz
with an introduction by Philip Rowland
Modern Haiku Press, 2012

The poems in this book are gathered under three section-headings, each based . . . on the opening phrase of Metz's signature haiku: "lakes / & now wolves / entering Pegasus."The first section, "lakes," gathers haiku that tend towards the conventional end of the spectrum in terms of form and seasonal nature-orientation. We see something of the romantic streak, as well as his playful allusiveness. . . . With characteristic playfulness, Metz accords "&" a section of its own, perhaps indicating that the poems grouped under that heading should be seen as transitional in the progress of his work, or an as interlude of sorts. . . . The poems in the third section of this book, "now wolves," often deviate further from the norms of syntax, punctuation and lineation. . . . Metz's haiku (or "ku," as he prefers to call them) are marked not only by his exploratory, language-oriented approach, but also by his erudition, fine ear and craftsmanship. ~Philip Rowland

See more reader endorsements.

Perfectbound, 64 pages
$15 plus $5.00 postage for orders to U. S. addresses:

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Reader Endorsements

"Scott Metz is challenging normative haiku on every level, as a poet with his explorations into found haiku, striking wordplay, typography, and surreal content, but also as an editor and anthologist."

Jim Kacian (from Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years, W. W. Norton, 2013)

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"Metz’s haiku are not crafted according to any one definition of the art form. His poems fall all along the bell curve of haiku, with language and images that resonate out and beyond that curve. lakes & now wolves is a collection to be read, studied, and savored, one that will awaken, inspire, deepen, and broaden our haiku sensibilities."

Francine Banwarth, former editor of Frogpond (journal of the Haiku Society of America).

Read the complete Frogpond review.

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"It is a deep love and careful study of haiku that drives Metz to rekindle its flames with his provocative and playful touch. lakes & now wolves should be on the bookshelf of every committed writer of haiku. There is much to learn from these poems. Much to learn."

Eve Luckring, author of The Tender Between (Ornithopter Press, 2018)

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