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Volume 36.1
Spring 2005


sample haiku & senryu


my son speaks a secret
i always knew

Roberta Beary


Black hearse rushes by—
blue chicory on the roadside
swaying in its wake.

Billy Collins


with my neighbor

William Cullen Jr.


hiking ahead
he blends in perfectly—
lonely mountain valley

Emily Evans


nude beach
I'm the only one here

Michael Ketchek


lonely night
the frequent kiss
of a tequilla worm

Dan McCullough


it's me!
I buy the dress
off the dummy

Gloria Radke


crossing the bridge
I enter her
time zone

Chad Lee Robinson


Gost cheese warm
from the hitchhiker's pack . . .
Summer of Love.

Dave Russo


january third—
the vices of yesteryear
already returned

Robert Spiess


first day of spring—
the slightly sour smell
of my blanket

Karma Tenzing Wangchuk


rising gas prices—
an attendant changing numbers
in a pouring rain
Michael Dylan Welch



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